In nature, there's always an opposite of everything. Black and white. Male and female. Yin and yang. And I personally believe that we are surrounded by different sources of energy, which are natural actually, and come at different levels. And it's in nature also that most beings prefer the positive rather than the negative energy. That includes me. I love being positive. Being in an area surrounded by positive energy. I'm not trying to be a cock here by proving that I'm such an optimistic person. No, I have no intention of boasting about that at all. It's just I'm so bothered now that I have negative energy around me. I've heard of "Opposite Attracts" but in my case now, I don't want to be attracted to negativity. See, I'm the kind of person that prefers to think positively rather than negatively. Unless if I'm very sure that a certain matter is not going to be the way I hope and want it, then I'll give out negative response. But we don't call that as negative when you've already know what's the outcome without even having to go through it. It's called logical. I'm not much of a positive person – no, really I'm not. But I like to nurture myself to think and take things positively wherever or whenever is possible. I'm optimistic – being positive and negative at the right rational and logical. Neither all the time positive nor all the time negative. The only problem I have that I haven't been able to solve is my self-esteem and confidence, but by being positive – I'm sure one fine day, I'll get over it. And I can see and realize some better changes whenever I'm positive or optimistic. I build up myself into a better person each passing day. Humans have made the once wonderful world into the now hellish place, and obviously we don't need to be a part of it. People can't think and act rationally when their minds are filled with negativity. Then horrible things like wars, arguments, or fights happen. And life gets worse. Let me just give you an example. Every day, we are prone to criticism. We get criticized, we hear critics and we critic others. We get it from the boss, some big-shot people who think they're one hell of a great person, the customers or even someone we don't even know. It's normal and it's in human nature itself that we get angry or offended when we are criticized. When the element of criticism is thrown straight into our sorry faces. I admit I get offended and sometimes, angry too when some criticized me. However, I learnt that by critics, I can see my flaws and imperfection and have the chance to improve myself – be a better person. And yes, I admit I hate it really much when The Boss criticized me or offend me of my work even though I know I have tried my best. But I will try my best to take it as an advice and as I get used of doing that, I realized that my work ethics are getting better. And I have become more professional instead of acting like a salesgirl trying to be a big star. I've become more organized than ever, faster in completing my job and my multi-tasking skills have proven a lot – I can even play games, check in Facebook and do my work at the same time. And yes, I can complete the work within the time limit given to me. Sometimes, earlier but rarely later. I always get attention from my boss and day by day, she starts listening to me and cares about my work – unlike before. I'm feeling very uneasy now when I am surrounded in a small area with negative energy circling around me. It drives me to my nerves and I'm trying my best to keep my positive energy within me – don't want to be contaminated with these dirty and dark energy. And I'm losing my cool. I'm actually trying to point this out to some people, whom I can't even give advice straight in the face cause they think I'm spitting cock-shit out of my mouth, and I know that particular good friend of mine will read this post. But hey, this post isn't just for him. It's for all for my friends. My advice is start seeing and taking things in positive ways. Even God loves to be positive. See the way He creates wonderful miracles for people who have hopes and faith, but omens come when His people are against Him. Same thing applies to us. Like I said, it's all in nature. Karma. That's it. You give out positive energy to yourself and to those around, you'll get positive effects. You give out negative energy; you'll get shit coming into your face. Simple as that. P/s: I'm beginning to realize that I can write better and in peace when I draft out in Words first before I post it up in the blog. And you'd be surprised if I tell you that this post has more than 850 words as I type. I surprised myself too.
Thank you for dropping by. I kinda miss blogging, but I’m too lazy to type.
Should I start vlogging instead? Luke Lazy Hakim
4 years ago
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