Last night, i had a weird dream.
I dreamt of a reunion for the class of 2003. Kinda weird to see a lot of friends. Them all, taking pictures together. Eating. Chit-chatting trying to keep themselves updated.
But im unsure what i was doing. or what i did. All i can remember, i wasn't goofling around with others. i was busy with myself. i took a guess it must be something to do with my work (cause i always think and worry bout work). then i went outside, at a hidden place to have some soothing puffs from my ciggie box.
And i noticed, i was quite troublesome and somehow, sad in the dream. Hm..
Thank you for dropping by. I kinda miss blogging, but I’m too lazy to type.
Should I start vlogging instead? Luke Lazy Hakim
4 years ago
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