As i was saying, my mum came to KL yesterday. And i fetched her. We went shopping and ate a lot of stuff. But that's not the whole point of this post.
Before she came to KL, Hubby, Mummy and I had planned a day together. Actually a few hours of getting together. Mummy and I would go for shopping while waiting for Hubby to meet up for dinner.
Hubby made it for the dinner although it was raining cats and dogs, and i appreciated it very much (cause my mum was so eager and excited to meet him). As he was sitting down to enjoy his dinner (Mummy and I had our dinner earlier) while i went to get for him a drink, both of started to chat. And when i reached the table with a drink in my hand, i had a surprised:
Mummy : Ok, this is a message from Amoy's granma. Are you both serious in the relationship?
Hubby : (looking at me, blur)
Me : (looking at Hubby, massively blur)
Mummy : (grinning widely) Cause if both of you are serious, then get married. You have our consent.
Hubby & Me : (crapping and crapping and crapping to escape from answering the question)
Ok. Here's what I thought:
- Oh wow. I never expected this. Getting consent from my family is one of the most impossible thing to happen in my life! Should i shriek *YEAY!* ?
- Ok. YEAY! We get the green light! YEAY!
- BUT. one thing. Only one thing that can burst the bubbles cruelly. Religion.
I dont want to change my religion. I dont want to force him to change his religion (FYI, that's totally wrong and abusive in Civil Law. Note that!). Obviously, he feels the same way too.
It's weird. In Malaysia, Muslims can only get married to Muslims while others can get married freely, and happily! Now, do you know:
- In Pakistan, Muslims can get married to non-muslims freely?
- In Indonesia, the same thing applies.
- In the Philippines too?
- Not to mention, Singapore? Thailand?
- Europe? And many other parts of the world? Except for Brunei, Saudi Arabia, and here *sigh*
And all the marriages and vows made are LEGAL! damn it.
I feel like tearing my heart apart now..
I feel like crying..
Help me *sobs*
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