Why does more and more of my friends are lying about their lives - particularly of getting engaged or married?
Is it a joke eh? Lame ones except for one.
One that i and hubby believed 100%. The one that was nicely buttered and jello-ed by my best bud, Amoi. She had asked me for a nice sari. Then one night, she said that i better buy her a very freaking nice sari as her engagement gift. i had no problems of believing her cause she hardly lie to me bout this matter. and the way she decorated her story with sweet icings and creams, made me believed that she's actually getting married! lucky for me i didn't book flight tickets to Miri to attend her so-called engagement. Really, the way she told me about everything from the proposal up to the tradition of meeting the parents, preparation and such had made me believed cause every particulars made sense. Hence, i can take it as a joke cause it made sense from the bits of points that she told. I know her and her family enough to believe her.
But others? It's just too bullshit.
I dont think these kind of matters should be played or fooled around. It's just not right. Engagement or marriage is a sacred thing. You can't just make it into a joke so that others believe.
Worse, how can people get married so easily when:
- The parents are freaking strict about matters of such.
- Your partner (spouse) hardly has his/her own money to spend on the special ceremony.
- The relationship is always on and off, having affairs all around, no understanding, and list goes on, and what's worse - when the relationship has no sense of commitment at all?
- You or your spouse hardly survive in studies - and still studying?
- And on and on and on.. what the fuck?
Don't tell me parents have to use their money for your ceremony? Come on, it's a stepping stone in your life as an adult - don't you have the pride to use your money for your own special day? No investment for your own house? No car on your name? No savings? Don't tell me everything has to be put in your parents' bills? I called that L.O.S.E.R. Big time.
I don't get it. Why do people think getting into a relationship is so easy? Furthermore, if it means taking further step into commitment. I fully understand why parents keep on telling their kids "Ko pikir kawen tu senang ke? Cam mainan ke?"
For God's sake (and for your bloody own sake too!), stop the lies. It's totally bullshit you know.
Instead of lying to people bout an engagement or marriage - trying to make people believe your fantasy of "oh see! how our relationship grows so perfect that it has become the only most perfect relationship in the world" whereas you yourself know that there are a lot rooms more for improvement before you can take the relationship further.
Please do yourself a favor : ask your grandparents (or if they're not around, your parents will do) what does it takes for a marriage to be a perfect one. What does it takes for a relationship to be valueable and worth of spending the rest of your life for it, thought nothing is perfect in this world. They'll give u lots of great advice. That's far more useful than lying to others bout you getting married though they know your relationship is actually a puppy-love with your spouse keeps on fooling around behind you.
It's all lies. Period.
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