Since i was so keen to follow up friends' blogs, Dayla's recent post had me tagged. Cause she cleverly put "so, lepas ini saya mau tag semua org yg bace post ini.hee.maaf, tak ikut peraturan." smart of her. just take a note; some of these facts will be unexpected from me. so bear with it and face MY facts. here goes!
Rules of the tag:-
* Link to your tagger and post these rules in your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Fact #1 : I hate wearing specs. I dont feel confident wearing specs. plus im born with low self-esteemed of myself, and with specs i am now having lower self-esteemed. i prefer contact lense. comfortable, and helps me a lot on the go.
Fact #2 : I love socks. i just love wearing socks especially when im at home. i wear socks in the day, in the hot afternoon, at night, basically almost all the time except when im chilling out. that's the only time i dont wear sock cause im wearing sandals or slippers. worse, if i dont wear socks at night, i cant sleep. seriously.
Fact #3 : I can be considered as an amphibian (or reptilian, im not sure). because i always feel cold! even in the hot afternoon. i hardly sweat unless i go for sports but that one also, i sweat a little. and i still feel cold. whenever people touch me, they'll always tell me im as cold as a corpse. if now im as cold as a corpse, do you think i'll turn into an ice cube when im dead?
Fact #4 : im shy. seriously. ok, minus those people whom i know, im totally shy when meeting strangers. i'll hide behind Hubby. hide behind my brother. my mom. my sister. irritates them a lot actually. and i cant even look at a stranger's face. i only have the wits to peek from behind, quietly like a small little girl. funny huh? and unexpected despite my friends know how happening i can be. believe it.
Fact #5 : i talked so soft (that's what Hubby said). im beginning to agree with him. everytime when i called out for others, or wanted to talk to them, they can hardly hear me. i remembered last time when i used to be very noisy. hm..
Fact #6 : i love sleeping. i can sleep whole day. i can sleep back merely hours after i woke up. this is very bad, cause it takes a lot of time out of my lfie. have to change.
Fact #7 : i always get sick. one after another. first it will be flu. then fever. then unknown allergic. then the list continues. Hubby says im a like a living, walking disease. recently, i had fever which turned into tonsils problem for 3 weeks. then came stupid allergic from insects bites. then bleeding when i poo-poo. lasts for 2 months. now me and hubby curious - what disease is next?
Those are the facts..kind of unexpected for those who knows me huh?
With this, i wish to tag anyone who reads my blog. i bet there won't be more than 7. so im still obeying the rules :p
Thank you for dropping by. I kinda miss blogging, but I’m too lazy to type.
Should I start vlogging instead? Luke Lazy Hakim
4 years ago
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