hectic week.

sorry for not blogging for the whole week. i've been very busy work-wise and also with domestic issues.

at work, i do have redundant time to blog but since another client is going to fly to Malaysia to get updates or progress about another project, so everyone is busy excluding me and Hubby. i couldn't blog cause there were a lot of busybody people in the lab. and plus, i need to train the newcomer before i could fly off to Germany. will be expecting another 2 newcomers, don't know when they're going to sign in for work.

Mummy got into a deep shit also, and i had to help her out. went through lots of headaches, thanks to her blonde genes. i won't include the details of what actually happen, so the most hint i can give is that Mummy just became a total blonde this week. she did something that i woulnd't ever expect her to do. but problem was solved. thank God!

and now, i just got back from shopping. not for clothes. but for my new home. went around to survey for flat screen plasma TVs. opting for the 42-inch screen. nice! some extra furniture. and to buy curtain sets too. and yes, im very much tired and sleepy now cause i had been going around kL since afternoon.

i can't blog much now cause im tired. im sleepy. my eyes are getting heavier now. and my lappy's battery is going lower now. i'll blog bout more interesting stuff later on, if i have the time.

0 little words: