note: this post is basically my PERSONAL response from Adek's post. whoever wishes to comment positively, i welcome all of you. whoever wishes to condemn with negative comments, please be brave enough to stand in front of you and tell me off into my face. thank you.
first, check out this pervert's blog.
and here's what i often say if i meet this kind of person:
why the f*ck do you care?
i mean, come on. if a girl wishes to be sexy, let her be then. she doesn't disturb you or anyone else, does she? so why are you so bothered?
and if it bothers you because you're thinking that it's wrong to show off the body - well, hello mister! the world has changed. nobody gives a damn about anything except for living a happy life.
oh wait. yeah. i forgot. the guy is disturbed by his own desire and dick. no wonder that pervert is so bothered. he dick was disturbed by his own eyes and God knows what is the real thing running on his mind while his mouth says something different.
i seriously don't understand this type of people. back in Sarawak, i never have this kind of problem. it's not a culture shock for me because my mum had warned me pretty well about this kind of person. you know, the kind of person that only knows to condemn others and pointing out their mistakes instead of trying to realize his/her own imperfection.
i have faced a lot of these people. come on, do us all a favour and stop pretending that you're a saint. we are all humans, everyone has their own imperfection. and so do you. so stop pointing out mistakes and mend yourselves first before mending others.
for the guys, they keep on talking and pointing out that it's wrong for the girls to be sexy and alluring. but haven't you noticed that you still have a dick down there and it still hardens whenever you feast your eyes on ladies? don't tell me that these kind of people never think of doing it. making their own porn movie.
as for the ladies, it's a MUST for them to do the same thing but worse. why? cause they keep on bitching bout others till in the end they'll put the other person in trouble of being seen as a very bad person. but yet again ladies, same goes to you. don't tell me you're not attracted to guys, worse in most cases, most of this typical ladies are attracted to married man.
get what i meant? im not going to point out who these people are, what race or religion but i bet most of us know it ourselves. so-called sensitive issue it seems.
as for me, i dont give a rat's ass of what people think or say bout me. they can't stop me from wearing sexy clothes, or present myself as alluring cause they don't give me money to buy my clothes!
they can't tell me who my boyfriend should be because they are obviously not the ones who im going to spend the rest of my life with! and they're not the ones who are going to sponsor my wedding ceremony!
they can't tell me that i shouldn't smoke cause i buy those ciggies with the money that i earned. and for your information, a girl who smokes doesn't mean she's a whore or a bad person. it's up to one self how to bring the best out him/herself.
they can't tell me how i should look like so that i can look like a good girl. as far as im concerned, people respect each other because of their inner attributes, their good manners; not from the apperance.
seriously, i noticed that most of these issues are total craps. i dont understand why Malaysians are still bounded with this sense of shit. and yet, they keep complaining why we are rated as out-dated and uncivilized by the world. if i were to be a foreigner too, living a few years in this country and experience things like this, i would just vote these kind of people as uncivilized.
oh another thing - i know this is going to be a sensitive issue but i dont care anyway. we all know and very much aware that this country is a Muslim country. and we all agree to live the our life according to the religion. respect the religion. but why other religions or races can't have their respect the way they give their respect to the "other" one? i dont get it. seriously. no wonder they have all these arguements nowadays. even i myself, is not recognized as a Bumiputra. just because i have the "Khan" surname. how stupid is that?
i really do have lots of points to rant about this matter alone. seriously. i used to hate politics and the sensitive issues but now i've understood why the minorities in this country are making a lot of fuss.
i think im going to rant in my local dialect. lots more to rant then.
i know lots of my dear friends have their own opinions supporting this issue. especially those from my hometown. and they're eager to blurt it out. please do.
p/s: im extremely allergic to these kind of people. so if you're one of them, please do yourself a favor and try to stay away from me. you won't know where you're going to end up - in a hospital or in a cemetery.
Thank you for dropping by. I kinda miss blogging, but I’m too lazy to type.
Should I start vlogging instead? Luke Lazy Hakim
4 years ago
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