Last night, i had a nice sleep. It was raining lions and elephants outside minus that the weather is weirdly warm despite of the downpour. Woke up this morning feeling very very lazy, but i managed to drag myself to work and motivated myself :p
Thank goodness, a nice collegue gave me an idea of how to go back home early. Say 4.30pm? One hour earlier than we were expected to go. She suggested for me and Hubby to skip lunch (as if we're going to skip!) in order to have the permission to go back home. Now, this is the best part - most of the workers here are slimy, sleazy ones. They love to skip work more than doing it. They will go window-shopping or run errands, added in when the boss is not around. So basically, this is also a bonus for us. We will "skip lunch" and go back at 4.30pm to get ready for dinner with my mum.
p/s: Sometimes, being nice all the time is very very bad for yourself and also your health. So i learnt to be like others.
Thank you for dropping by. I kinda miss blogging, but I’m too lazy to type.
Should I start vlogging instead? Luke Lazy Hakim
4 years ago
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