
This morning i woke up quite energetic.

Cause it's friday already. i took my sweet time going to work and obviously was late. but only 5 mins late.

then i chatted a bit with one of my colleagues regarding the task i've completed last wednesday. it's relieving to know that my boss is satisfied of the product i've obtained, and now they're analyzing them with GC-MS. hopefully, there are less impurities this time.

so today, i basically have no work to do. maybe a few la but i considered them as none. just a few small tasks to carry out :

  1. to call my HQ enquiring who can bring back my instrument to the lab.
  2. perform blank run on selox's GC. hopefully no impurities so that i dont have to do task 3.
  3. If there are still impurities, have to condition the GC again.

im looking forward to monday also as my mum is arriving from Miri to attend a course in Port Klang. not sure how the plan of spending the whole day with her will be, but then again thinking of just cruising all day long. hubby also have to come for dinner as my mum wants to get to know him, see him and talk to him in-person. and still thinking what to wear on monday:

(taken from YM, chatting with my mum)

me : do you mind if i wear mini skirt? i need to feel comfy in order to go jalan2 with you. and need to look good also, you know.

mummy : YES! if it's too short. how short it is?

me : short la, as like can see my thigh clearly.

mummy : can see your arse or not?

me : nope. even if i bent down, there's no way others can see what im wearing underneath.

mummy : how sure are you?

me : very sure cause my arse is small and almost flat. so i can bent down nicely without even humiliating myself in the public.

mummy : that's why. all the fatty flesh goes up to your boobies. that's why your arse is flat.

me : whatever mummy (me feeling low self-esteemed)

So what if it's flat? it's not like a plank or what. i still have the figure if i wear the right style and clothing. why would you think i want to wear mini skirt? duh!

Hubby is irritating me in YM. "Fish-Lips" is constantly walking behind me to see what im doing so that she can report to boss im not doing work (cause my work was done earlier, so no last minute work la)

I called her Fish-Lips cause her lips is totally like a fish's. Observe flowerhorn's or tilapia's lips. you know, the kind that's very thick, outflow a bit from normal lips, and fleshy. in short, exactly like a fish. that's how her lips look like. not that i hate her, just despise only. she's the kind of girl who wears tudung labuh, but her character and attitude doesn't even show that she deserves to be in heaven. im not saying i deserve to be there too, cause i know where my place will be. i think i'll enjoy hell more cause there will a lot of interesting people in hell. you know, the outgoing ones, the sporting ones and so on. the ones in heaven? imagine the only topic you'll have with the residents in paradise is a topic on God, spiritual and religious matters. kinda boring huh? and obviously, no booze, no ices, no ciggies and such.

anyway, back to the Fish-Lips. as i was saying, she wears tudung labuh but she's a bitch. she back stabs others even her own friends. talk bad bout others and make people believe (we called it fitnah). she tells lies a lot. she flirts a lot though despite her appearance. she flirts a lot more than me! can you just believe that? but none of the guys can stay in a relationship with her for long. barely months. come on, who can get along with a hypocrite like that? no wonder her lips are so ugly like a fish. and trust me, she is ugly but she thinks that everyone thinks she's cute. terhegeh2 jak act cute. imagine a skeleton face with a fish lips and big eyes. plus, you can even see her cheek bones popping out of her upper cheeks miles and miles away. oh, forgot. when she walks, she walks quite fast. so from far, she looks like a stingray as her veil flips-flaps along with the pace.

with that appearance, but having ugly attitude (and face too, no doubt), you tell me?

at least, compare myself to her, i can have the confidence to say im more cute and prettier. *giggles*

this post UNINTENTIONALLY became mengumpat post. seriously, didnt mean it but she keeps on walking behind so i cant help it.

0 little words: